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General environment

Before anything else, you will need a TypeScript editor. We recomend Visual Studio Code with some extensions.

Wollok-TS developer environment profile

You can download and import this profile in your Visual Studio Code. See this tutorial if you have any question.

Alternative: manually install VSC extensions

We need these extensions for developing Wollok-TS:

There are also other plugins that some people on the team find interesting and you might like:


For Linux and Mac

You need to install NodeJS, which provides VM environment, and NVM - Node Version Manager.

Make sure you are using the right version of node by running this command:

nvm use

Expected output is the node version that will be used, for example:

Found '/home/dodain/workspace/wollok-dev/wollok-ts/.nvmrc' with version <lts/hydrogen>
Now using node v18.20.4 (npm v10.7.0)

If you get this result as output:

Found '/home/dodain/workspace/wollok-dev/wollok-ts/.nvmrc' with version <lts/hydrogen>
N/A: version "lts/hydrogen -> N/A" is not yet installed.

You need to run "nvm install lts/hydrogen" to install it before using it.

then you need to install it

nvm install lts/hydrogen # or the version you get on the previous input

For Windows

You need to install the NVM - for Windows.

Run the installer nvm-setup.exe as Administrator.

Open an elevated Command Prompt or Git Bash in the project folder (with Administrator privileges) and run:

nvm install <<version number>>
nvm use <<version number>>
# The version number is in the .nvmrc file (do not use codename version e.g. lts/gallium, in Windows you have to use the equivalent version number e.g. 16.15.0)


You will also need to install NPM. If you are not familiar with dependency manager tools, you can think of this program as the entry point for all the important tasks development-related tasks, like installing dependencies and running tests. After installing the client, go to the project root folder and run:

# This will install all the project dependencies. Give it some time.
npm install

After that, you are ready to start working. You can run the tests and style checks by typing:

# This will run tests for all the modules. Try to do this often and avoid commiting changes if any test fails.
npm test

A full list of the available scripts is listed on the package.json file, on the root folder.


We use ESLint to make sure our code complies with our codestyle standards. Be sure to use Typescript version from the Workspace and not from current VSC installation:


Moving on

You can check Wollok-TS tools in the specific tools page